Pick up the pyramid in the base of the rear statue
(must have solved Puzzle 045)

Look at the back wall
(must have picked up the pyramid)

Puzzle 046

Advice 1

Advice 2

Advice 3


See the Step by Step Solution

Step by Step Solution

Walk two steps to the right

Climb up six steps to the right

Climb up four steps to the left

Walk one step to the left

Climb down one step to the left

Climb down one step to the right

Climb down two steps to the left

Walk one step to the left

Climb up one step to the left

Walk one step to the left

Walk one step to the right

Climb down one step to the right

Climb down one step to the left

Walk two steps to the left

Climb up one step to the left

Walk one step to the left

Climb up one step to the left

Climb up one step to the right

Climb up one step to the left

Climb up one step to the right

Walk two steps to the right



045 ...

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS

Treasure Report Walkthrough