Pull down the door
(must have solved Puzzle 051)

Look at the pattern at the bottom of the control panel
(must have found the magnifying glass)

Look at the control panel

Puzzle 052

Advice 1

Advice 2

Advice 3


See the Step by Step Solution

Step by Step Solution

Slide the square piece right one space

Slide the square piece up

Slide the horizontal piece left

Slide the square piece left and up

Slide the horizontal piece up

Slide the horizontal piece right

Slide the horizontal piece down

Slide the horizontal piece left

Slide the square piece down and right

Slide the square piece right and down

Slide the square piece right

Slide the horizontal piece up

Slide the square piece left

Slide the square piece left

Slide the horizontal piece up

Slide the horizontal piece right

Slide the leftmost square piece down

Slide the square piece down

Slide the horizontal piece down

Slide the square piece left

Pull the mechanism down



051 ...

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS

Treasure Report Walkthrough